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Monday, March 28, 2011

The I'ds of March

Already March is drawing to a close. My to-do list has fewer checkmarks than I'd wished for and that got me thinking. What if all my genealogical wishes could come true?

I'd vigorously rattle cages in Chicago and get those darn documents I've been requesting forever.

I'd travel to Washington County Maryland and sort through dust-covered boxes in several church basements. If I could do the looking myself, I would find those missing membership files.

I'd locate more living descendants, especially the ones with pristine antique photo collections of our mutual ancestors.

I'd pay all those cemeteries rent to keep my overseas ancestors in their graves so I am able to see the headstones with my own eyes.

I'd convince my boss that time spent working on my family tree keeps my investigative skills sharp.

There are so many family history-related things I'd like to do. All I need is a bottomless bank account and all the time in the world.