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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bengta Johnsson Clarin from Västerstad

Bengta. Bless her heart, she recorded the members of her family on the births page of her Swedish bible.

Bengta. She became Bettie when she came to America. Bettie lived in Chicago for just seven years. In that short time she married Carl Larsson Klarin and they had four children.

Bettie died 13 days after giving birth to her fourth child. She wasn't able to record the child's name in her bible. What became of that child is as of yet unknown.

It was her death certificate that provided the clues to her hometown. Seeing her name in the parish records of Västerstad, Malmöhus, Sweden made her a young woman again, full of hope and promise. Considering a journey across the ocean where her life would be improved. Filled with joy as she found love and started a family.

Bengta. That's how I've placed her in my mind. Pretty Bengta Johnsson from Västerstad.


Lori H said...

How sweet and beautiful and sad. I hope you can locate her last child. Isn't it wonderful you have this record from her own hand?

Laura Aanenson said...

Oh I hope so too! It's tragic that we know so little about the 4th child. Yes, the entries Bengta made are such a gift. She had beautiful handwriting.

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