Nicolas is a popular name among my Schmitt ancestors, given to several grandfathers and both my third and fourth great-granduncles. I've attempted to transcribe and translate the great-uncles' death records below.
UPDATE July 5th - The words in green are the ones I received help translating.
UPDATE July 5th - The words in green are the ones I received help translating.
Transcription Décès d' Nicolas Schmitt
L ‘an mil huit cent onze le six Avril à dix héures du matin, par devant nous Maire de Hellimer sous comparu François Schmitt tanneur et Jean Doubach meunier tous deux domicilié audit lieu, lesquel nous ont déclaré que que Nicolas Schmitt age de quatre mois douze jours fils du presence et d' Elisabeth Grosse son épouse est décèdé le jour d' hier à onze heures du soir dans la maison paternelle, de quoi nous, avon dressé acte que huitiéme les comparu nous ont signé avec nous après lecture faite.
[signed] Franz Schmitt Jean duBach Chibauer
Translation Death of Nicolas Schmitt
The year one thousand eight hundred and eleven on April 6 at ten in the morning, before us Mayor of Hellimer appeared François Schmitt tanner and Jean Doubach miller both domiciled at that place, which ones said us that Nicolas Schmitt age of four months twelve days son of the first and of his wife Elisabeth Grosse died on the day of yesterday at eleven o'clock at night in his father's house, what we have compiled the note that the declarants have signed with us after reading done
[signed] Franz Schmitt Jean Dubach Chibauer
The 2nd Nicolas Schmitt died in 1826:
His death record starts on the page above and ends on the page below.
Transcription No. 37 deces de Nicolas Schmitt aged d’ 49 ans
L' an mil huit cent vingt six la vingt-sept avril a midi par devant nous Joseph Pinet, Maire et officier de l' etat civil de la commune d' Hellimer et Diffenbach canton de Grostenquin, département de la Moselle, sous comparu le sieur Jean Pierre Schmitt, serrurier age de quarante sept ans et M. Hubert Bienfait avocat agé de quatre vingt un ans tous deux domicilié a Hellimer lequel nous ont déclaré qu' aujourd huÿ a dix heures du matin, Nicolas Schmitt célibataire, age de quarante neuf ans frere du premier déclarant, et fils de Claude Schmitt et Anna Marie Schmitt son epouse tous deux defunt, et décédé an son domicile á Hellimer et ont les déclarant ti qué avec nous d' present acte décédés, après lecture faite.
[signed] Bienfait xxx Schmitt Pinet
Translation No. 37 death of Nicolas Schmitt aged 49 years
The year eighteen hundred and twenty six of April 27 at noon in front of us by Joseph Pinet, Mayor and Officer of the vital statistics of the town of Hellifield and Diffenbach Grostenquin Township, department of Moselle, appeared in the Mr. Jean Pierre Schmitt, locksmith age of forty seven years and Hubert M. Bienfait old lawyer eighty years a resident of both Hellimer which we have stated that today at ten in the morning, Nicolas Schmitt single, age forty-nine years brother of the first registrant, and son of Anna Marie Claude Schmitt and Schmitt's wife, both deceased, and died a year and his home in Hellifield oiot declaring ti us to present act dead, after reading done.
[signed] Bienfait xxx Schmitt Pinet
As always, I owe many thanks to my friends at Rootsweb!